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Central de ajuda BLOCKBR
BBR Invest

How to create an account on BLOCKBR?

Creating your account on BLOCKBR only takes a few minutes!

You just need to access the homepage or click on "Open your account" and follow these steps:

  1. Enter your email, create a password, and acknowledge that you are aware of the terms.
  2. You will receive an email with a validation code. Copy this code, enter it on the registration screen, and click continue.
  3. Provide your personal information or your company's information if you are a legal entity and continue filling out the next fields until completion.

There you go! Your registration is now available to access the BBR Invest platform. Proceed with the steps below to enable your investment transactions.

Important: It is not allowed to associate more than one account with the same email, CPF, or CNPJ.

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